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Category: Let’s Cook

Practicing food safety at home is now essential as the number of people, who are staying home to either work or study, is increasing due to lockdown, restrictions and social distancing. Eating home is one of the ways to take ownership of personal food safety and be in charge of.......

I have been craving this chicken stir fry since forever. To maintain the nutrients, I added the vegetables last and turned off the heat after 1-2 minutes. I also used fresh ginger, garlic and rosemary to spice it up so there was no need to use the processed spices. Alternatively,.......

Few days ago, a friend asked if Banku is healthy. A food is healthy or unhealthy depending on amount eaten and how often it is eaten. That is one has to ensure variety of foods are included in their diet and eat moderate (dependent on factors) amount. The trick I.......


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