In a little over a year since its declaration as a public health emergency of international concern, COVID-19 had infected 94.6 million people and killed more than 2 million people globally. Health workers all over the world, from scientists to nurses, have been relentless in leading the charge against the.......
On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus infection (later to be baptised as COVID-19) to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Ever since then, our television screens, radio and social media pages have experienced a flood of information almost on the same.......
This is the first part of Olime Health’s analysis of the 2014 State of the Nation address here. Download it below; MOBILE USERS Use this link to Download Report . Tap your browser Menu icon and select Request Desktop Site. Then pick File and Download. This is Part 2 of Olime Health’s analysis of the 2014 State of.......
We are a public health and nutrition consulting social enterprise. We specialise in workplace health and wellbeing, health communication and health research, policy, and projects.