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Category: Fitness

Three things can happen in every sports tournament or season – Your team may win, lose or draw. Whatever happens, these outcomes bring with them anxiety, excitement, headaches, or stress, all of which may negatively affect your health. Here are tips to make sure you stay healthy throughout a sports.......

Healthy Lifestyle A healthy lifestyle is the practice of behaviours such as healthy eating, physical activity, no smoking, getting enough rest and not using alcohol wrongly, to prevent diseases. These behaviours are mutually inclusive and not exclusive of one another. They are practiced collectively and not individually to get better.......

Without good health, we simply cannot achieve anything- be it personal goals, professional targets etc. that we have set for this year. Here are 8 steps we can take to have a happier, healthier year and to make the year, fruitful. Understand the concept of healthy lifestyle: You cannot work.......

Staying active is doing anything that makes your body move. This includes doing physical activities like house chores, brisk walking, dancing, skipping, and pushups etc. Physical activities can be grouped into light, moderate, vigorous or muscle strengthening exercises. The rate of your heart beat, and how fast or hard you.......

Staying active helps with staying healthy, protects against diseases and improves health. The amount of physical activity an individual needs to stay active and consequently healthy, depends on age, the type of physical activity, current state of health of the person, and body weight. Here are tips for various age.......

Cancer, one of the leading causes of deaths in the world, is a term used in referring to a group of diseases, which can affect any part of the body . There are about many types of cancers and among men, the popular ones are; lung, stomach, liver, colorectal and.......

Older children, adolescents and teenagers are usually between 5 and 18 years and are either in school or transitioning from one level of school to the other. This is a period of meeting new people, making friends and sometimes having to make choices during the hours they are away from.......

Adults are usually individuals who fall between 18 and 65 years. Majority of them are usually tertiary students, young professionals or entrepreneurs. Many of them are established workers with families. This group of individuals needs to be efficient and effective either in their studies, on the job or while running.......

The ‘elderly’, ‘aged’ or ‘older adults’ are usually above 65 years old. They are often on retirement or preparing to retire. There is often a decrease in function among this age group. Most individuals in this age group have grandchildren or great grandchildren. Though it appears they have done it.......

Constipation is the infrequent or difficulty in emptying the bowel. Constipation occurs in all age groups. The consequences of constipation may include; loss of appetite resulting in underweight individuals in most cases, discomfort, pain, bad flatulence and bad breaths. In the long term constipation can also lead to faecal impaction,.......


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