For most people, their faith denomination is an important social network that supports them in many areas of life. This means that religious bodies and leaders can help their members to become healthier. Here are tips on how religious bodies and their leaders can help members to nurture healthy lifestyle habits.
- Health or nutrition talks can be included in the activities of your faith denomination. Invite a health professional to such talks. Let’s connect you to one of our professionals.
- A stronger motivation for members to nurture healthy lifestyle habits is when their religious leader champions the cause through sermons or personal testimony.
- Healthy lifestyle messages can also be included in the newsletter or bulletin.
The points above will help members get the right information and tips to choose and live healthier lifestyle. Leaders can use the following points to help members to nurture and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
- Organise inter-departmental or inter-denomination healthy lifestyle competitions. This will get members to be involved to stay active. Let’s help you design and organise a healthy lifestyle competition for your denomination
- Organise weekly, monthly or quarterly exercise programs such as walks, jogging for your members to increase their physical activity levels.
- Where it is possible exercise, equipment or facility can be provided for members to stay active.
- A snack shop, which sells healthier food options, can also be provided for members.
- During religious programs such as get-to-gathers, healthier food options should be served to members.
Written and reviewed by: Irene Danquah, ANutr
Last page review: 23/12/2021
Next page review: 31/12/2024