Mr. Sapiens: Hello Bowels, are you still on the line?
Receptionist: Yes, I am.
Mr. Sapiens: What are the other causes of constipation apart from the ones mentioned in our previous conversations
Receptionist: Muscle spasms of an irritated large intestine can also slow the movement of feces and contribute to constipation. Also medications such as antacids, calcium and iron supplements can cause constipation.
Mr. Sapiens: Thanks for the information. I read somewhere that the food passed into the large intestines can stay up to 72 hours (3 days).
Receptionist: That is true.
Mr. Sapiens: Good. If that is so, then I can decide to evacuate my bowels every 3 days with the help of laxatives.
Receptionist: Mr. Sapiens, do you keep your house waste in your room for 3 days?
Mr. Sapiens: Of course not! That would produce a terrible stench in my house not to talk about the cockroaches, ants and mice it might invite. I always empty the bin every night.
Receptionist: If that is the case, why then do you want to keep waste in your bowels for 3 days? Don’t you think the same result would be produced i.e., putrefaction and fermentation of the waste to produce bad flatulence and bad breaths at places you least expect? Besides, constipation reduces one’s appetite for food, meaning less food intake resulting in underweight individuals in most cases.
Mr. Sapiens: That is true. I never thought about it that way. It’s just that, I don’t like wasting time considering the work I have to do every day. But I guess staying healthy should rather be my priority.
Receptionist: Now about the laxatives. It is true that laxatives can help one get relief from constipation by irritating the intestinal nerve junctions to stimulate the peristaltic muscles, or by drawing water into the large intestines to enlarge fecal output. The larger output then stretches the peristaltic muscles, making them rebound and constrict. However, regular use of laxatives especially the irritating ones can decrease muscle action in the large intestine – in time, causing constipation. The GI tract can even become dependent on laxatives. It is thus unwise for people to routinely use laxatives. Bed-ridden or the elderly might need to use laxatives periodically for the relief of constipation.
Other ways to relief yourself of constipation are by relaxing and doing physical activities.
Mr. Sapiens: Wow! That is a whole lecture on constipation. Would you be able to summarize our conversation for addition to your FAQ? That way, others might get the education as well.
Receptionist: That’s good advice.
Have you read this article on constipation yet?
Till then, empty your bowels at least once a day.