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Category: Diet

Good nutrition should always be the number one on the priority list of women and most especially when trying to have a baby. During this time, it is vital to adhere to good healthy habits to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs as this will give children.......

Do you experience stomach discomfort (diarrhoea, bloating, abdominal pains and flatulence) and are sometimes nauseous few hours after taking milk, other dairy products or any drink that contains lactose? Then you could be Lactose Intolerant. Lactose Intolerance refers to a condition where the lactose, a type of sugar mostly found.......

Diets high in calories, that is high in fat or high in sugar are among the contributing factors of overweight and obesity, which are risk factors for Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, some cancers and cardiovascular diseases like heart disease and stroke. To reduce the risk of overweight and.......

Constipation is the infrequent or difficulty in emptying the bowel. Constipation occurs in all age groups. The consequences of constipation may include; loss of appetite resulting in underweight individuals in most cases, discomfort, pain, bad flatulence and bad breaths. In the long term constipation can also lead to faecal impaction,.......

Food is essential for life and a good and healthy food is very much important for a healthy living. The best and safest of foods is the one prepared and served hot at home. Unfortunately there might be actions and inactions concerning food preparation and storage at home that might.......

One of the contributing factors of obesity is a diet high in calories that is high in fat or high in sugar. Overweight and obesity are risk factors for Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, some cancers and cardiovascular diseases like heart disease and stroke. Below are tips to help.......

When it comes to alcohol, most of us have lots of questions. Below we answer some frequently asked questions. Are there risks associated with drinking alcohol? Yes there are. Alcohol consumption is associated with liver problems, reduced fertility, high blood pressure, some cancers and heart attacks. What amount of alcohol.......

Dietary sodium often consumed as common salt (sodium chloride) plays a key role in the body in regulating blood pressure but regularly consuming salt (through dishes, natural and processed foods) above 5g /day i.e. around one teaspoon a day is associated with hypertension. As salt is a high risk factor for hypertension, which is among the leading causes of deaths.......

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, dietary fibre, plant sterols, flavonoids and other antioxidants. Consuming fruits and vegetables may help to reduce the risk of non communicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancers) and may help to prevent weight gain. Eating variety of fruits and.......

In a day, it is recommended for an individual to eat three meals; breakfast, lunch and supper. This ensures that we supply our body with its fuel, food. Among these three meals, breakfast is considered the most important. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because the energy.......


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