In an era of rising interest to maintain healthy weight, the question has been whether honey is a healthier alternative to table sugar. Table sugar has been substituted with honey in a variety of food products as concerns regarding sugar consumption increases. The answer to the above question is not.......
Antibiotics are medications that destroy bacteria that cause various infections in the body. They therefore help to treat infectious diseases, to prevent the spread of these diseases, and also to minimise the chances of an infection after some surgical and medical procedures like cesarean section (CS), among others. Examples of.......
Breastfeeding is a very important activity in the life of a newborn baby. The breast milk protects the baby from infections and diseases and the breastfeeding lowers the mother’s risk of ovarian and breast cancers as well as improves mother and baby bond. Additionally, breast milk is free, easily accessible.......
When individuals aged 65 and above retire from work, they usually want to rest and enjoy the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, ageing is mostly associated with malnutrition, changes in sensory perceptions, loneliness, depression, forgetfulness, poor dental health, and physical inactivity. These factors mostly contribute to poor health and nutritional.......
We are a public health and nutrition consulting social enterprise. We specialise in workplace health and wellbeing, health communication and health research, policy, and projects.