Dear Diary,
I know it’s been long . My hard disk is even annoyed with the fact that I keep saving posts on it without submitting them to you. Hmmm, what can I say but the words of the little boy in the advert, ‘it’s not fault’. I hope to be a good editor when my paparazzi bring their stories. I know you might be wondering what happened for me to make this post. You will understand after you read these 3 stories
Story 1
I know I have been preaching that international students go global with their diet but the recipe which was formulated by this international student have put me in a state of shock and I am just wondering which country or group of people take this recipe. I am hoping by putting the recipe up someone might help me with the country.
Recipe of an international student
1 small cup of corn flakes
I small sachet of spaghetti
1 medium sized baked beans
(Any brand will work).
Boil the Spaghetti and when it is about ready, add all the other ingredients.
I am serious this is not a joke.
My advice, this definitely exceeds your Eatwell Plate
Story 2
I don’t know if this is being food secured or nutrition secured. Just like malnutrition I think the definition of food security and nutrition security should both have under food security (food insecurity) and over food security (Hope FAO comes out with a new term for this). If you do not know the meaning of each I suggest to you to call FAO to audit to this post. Why am I asking for a definition for over food security and over nutrition security (these are my own terms, so don’t call the Afari Gyan of FAO on me)? Can you believe the international student is actually preparing ground (pea) nut soup with a whole chicken and eating the soup in a day? Yes in a day! If he was eating the soup alone, it could have been quite pardonable, but with an accompaniment, this should give public health nutritionists headaches.
My advice, food security does not mean over eating. WHO is already battling with obesity and hypertension, so please do not add to the number.
Story 3
My last story is on this international that has just refused to buy products in the country in which she is studying. I know there are some products that are just produced in her country but in her case tinned fish is not one of them. She still insists on buying Made in her Home Country tinned fish. I am just wondering what she will do if there is a ban on importation of this product from her country. My advice to her, instead of collapsing after reading about the ban, please psych yourself up to embrace other tinned fish.
I told you I had lots of stories my dear Dairy. I will end here as I do not want to bore you. Till I bring you more stories remember, health, wealth and happiness.