The phone rings…….
Receptionist: Guess who is calling again? (Picks up the telephone receiver) Hello! This is GI systems management, how may I help you Mr. Homo Sapiens?
Mr. Sapiens: Wonderful! You knew I would call again? How is that?
Receptionist: (Smiling) Yes sir, because you said so. I figured you are a man of your words considering how you hurriedly picked your beloved’s call.
Mr. Sapiens: Is that the only reason? Or because you did not give me all the information I needed concerning constipation?
Receptionist: Forgive me sir, but need I remind you how our conversation ended abruptly because of your beloved’s call?
Mr. Sapiens: Yeah, I guess it’s my fault then. I am still having problems evacuating my bowel after the solution you gave me in our previous conversation (the call 1).
Receptionist: Wow! How is that? Do you include dietary fibre such as whole grain bread and cereals in your everyday diet? And are vegetables and fruits especially the dried ones part of your everyday diet?
Mr. Sapiens: Not often. Once in a while I guess. You know these are normally eaten by the well-to-do or by those whose have “fruitful” taste buds.
Receptionist: No I don’t know that. I guess you have not read our company’s FAQ1 and FAQ2, on fruits?
Mr. Sapiens: No I have not. That is it means you won’t tell me the role dietary fibre and fruits play to avoid constipation?
Receptionist: On the contrary Mr. Sapiens, I referred those FAQs because it would help you change your opinion on fruits.
Mr. Sapiens: Oh! A thousand apologies to you. How do dietary fibre, vegetables and fruits prevent constipation?
Receptionist: The dietary fibre, vegetables and fruits especially the dry fruits, stimulate the bowels unto peristaltic (please google for the meaning if you don’t understand) by drawing water into the large intestine helping form a bulky, soft fecal output for evacuation. As I explained in our previous conversation (the call 1), drying and hardening makes the fecal material difficult to evacuate from your bowels. Do you understand?
Mr. Sapiens: What you are saying is, the dietary fibre, vegetables and fruits make the fecal material soft unlike the slow movements of the large intestines and the extended stay of fecal material (as a result of ignoring of normal reflexes/urges) which make fecal material dry and hard. The softer the fecal material, the easier the evacuation of bowels. Can drinking more fluids then help prevent constipation?
Receptionist: I see you understand. To answer your question, fluids do aid in bowels evacuation.
Mr. Sapiens: I guess I would need to drink more water and add more fluids to my diet then?
Receptionist: Exactly!
Mr. Sapiens: Are the regular inhibition of normal reflexes for long periods (the blog, the call 1), non-inclusion of dietary fibre, vegetables and fruits (especially the dry ones) in ones diet and, not taking enough fluids, the only causes of constipation?
Receptionist: No! Actually…………….
(The receptionist is interrupted by Mr. Sapiens)
Mr. Sapiens: I am sorry Bowels, but there is an incoming call I have to pick. Could you please hold the line?
Receptionist: Sure!
The call is on hold so to be continued………………….