Mr. Sapiens: Hello Bowels, are you still on the line? Receptionist: Yes, I am. Mr. Sapiens: What are the other causes of constipation apart from the ones mentioned in our previous conversations Receptionist: Muscle spasms of an irritated large intestine can also slow the movement of feces and contribute to.......
The phone rings……. Receptionist: Guess who is calling again? (Picks up the telephone receiver) Hello! This is GI systems management, how may I help you Mr. Homo Sapiens? Mr. Sapiens: Wonderful! You knew I would call again? How is that? Receptionist: (Smiling) Yes sir, because you said so. I figured.......
………. It’s 7:00am at my resisdence I switched on the TV to watch Michael on Sativ Two Morning show. During the newspaper review, the host had to repeat one question three times before getting Michael’s attention. Strangely enough, after the first commercial break, when the content of the mug in front.......
Dear Diary, I can’t help but notice how international students especially those from Africa to other continents become physically active individuals as soon as they begin their education in these continents. It is as though they just read or heard through the various forms of media (website, digital signage) available.......
We are a public health and nutrition consulting social enterprise. We specialise in workplace health and wellbeing, health communication and health research, policy, and projects.